Lee A. Kramer
Portfolio Manager
Lee A. Kramer is founder, president and portfolio manager of Capital Management Analytics, Corp. which was established in 1993 to manage private accounts for individuals, institutions, small businesses and professional practices. CMA is registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, and with the Ohio and Nevada Securities Commissions.
Mr. Kramer received a Bachelor of Science degree in Engineering and a Master’s degree in Computer and Information Science from The Ohio State University, along with a Master’s in Business Administration from the University of Dayton. He is an Army veteran and has led consulting projects in the software and biotechnology industries prior to dedicating his full-time efforts to portfolio management.
Lee lives and works in central Ohio near Columbus, but travels extensively to meet and talk with companies and clients around the country. In his spare time, he enjoys sailing, golf, Roman history, good literature and the outdoors. As a market historian, Lee has written several articles on market cycles and the modeling of stock options.